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3 Benefits of Blogging for Marketing Your Business

Google Loves Blogs & So Do Your Customers

In today’s competitive marketplace, having a strong online presence is crucial for business success, and blogs are a powerful tool for achieving this. But why is blogging essential, and how can it benefit your business as part of a digital marketing strategy?

Google focuses on delivering users the most relevant, accurate, and high-quality information. When ranking websites, they also favour well-written, long-form content, which is why blogs are an effective marketing channel. Addressing what users search for can boost your visibility and attract more potential customers. But how?

Infographic from Hubspot showing the advantages of blogging as a business compared to not blogging: blogging can mean 67% more leads, 434% more indexed pages, 97% more inbound links, 55% more website visitors. Facts stating 70% of people would rather learn about a business through articles than ads, 80% of users interact with both blogs and social media sites.

Building brand loyalty

One of the most significant benefits of blogging is its ability to foster brand loyalty. Showcasing your brand’s personality helps engage customers on a more personal level and encourages repeat visits.

Regularly posting informative and engaging content also helps establish your brand as a trustworthy and credible industry source. When customers find value in the information you provide, they are more likely to develop a positive association with your brand and buy from you in the future.

Raising Brand Awareness

Google loves quality content. Each new blog post is another page that search engines have to index. A topical, well-crafted blog post that includes relevant keywords boosts your SEO, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

High-quality content is also more likely to be shared on social media, expanding your reach beyond your immediate audience. Like blogs, writing social media content that drives traffic to your website requires skill and consistency. You can lose sales by flooding your platforms with bland, uninspiring AI-generated content that misses the mark.

Photo of three people looking sharing their phone screens with each other.

Connecting with Customers

Blogs provide a unique platform to interact with your customers. Unlike traditional advertising, blogs offer a space for two-way communication, where customers can comment and share their thoughts.

Connection Points:

  • Feedback: Customer comments can provide valuable insights into their needs and preferences. Even addressing negative comments offers improvement opportunities and shows your customers their feedback matters.

  • Community Building: Engaging with readers in the comments section helps build a community around your brand.

  • Customer Relationships: Personalised content can address specific customer pain points, strengthening the relationship between your brand and its audience.

Unlike other digital marketing strategies that offer short-term benefits, blogging provides long-lasting results. A single blog post can continue attracting organic traffic and generating leads for years.

Photo of sticky notes in a variety of colours folded into triangular paper planes, lined up to resemble a bar graph indicating growth.

Long-Term Impact:

  • Evergreen Content: Posts that remain relevant over time and continue attracting readers long after the initial publication date. As popularity wanes, you can update the material; however, if it maintains a good volume of organic traffic, don’t fix what isn’t broken.

  • Lead Generation: Each blog post offers an opportunity to convert visitors into leads through persuasive calls-to-action (CTAs), including special offers.

  • Introduce Services: You can link blog posts to relevant service pages on your website to encourage sales and increase dwell times. Doing so can positively influence your SEO ranking as Google compiles information on dwell times (how long a visitor remains on your site).

  • Cost-Effective: Blogging is relatively low-cost compared to other marketing strategies, providing a high return on investment (ROI). Engaging a copywriter and social media content specialist allows you to focus on what you do best.

Using Keywords and Trending Topics

Effective blogs are not just about quantity but quality. Focusing on trending topics and relevant keywords ensures your content resonates with your target audience and ranks well in search engines.

Content Strategy:

  • Keyword Research: Identifying and using relevant keywords improves SEO and attracts targeted traffic. Some copy and content writers use paid tools to give their customers a competitive edge. This includes competitor analysis (identifying keywords your competitors rank for that you may not), click-through rate potential, and keyword difficulty.

  • Trending Topics: Writing about current trends keeps your content relevant and engaging. For blogging to remain beneficial as a marketing channel, you must write about topics users search for.

  • Value Addition: Offering unique insights and practical advice makes your blog a valuable resource for readers. With around 80% of search queries having informational intent, it is your prime opportunity to stand out online.

Infographic from Orbit Media showing the percentage of bloggers who report "strong results" based on the frequency of their blog posts. 2-6 posts per week indicates 42%, weekly indicates 29%, several per month indicates 27%, monthly indicates 16%, less than monthly indicates 14%, irregularly indicates 17%. Benchmark line is at 35%.


Incorporating a blog into your digital marketing strategy is a powerful way to build brand loyalty, raise awareness, and connect with customers. Blogs are beneficial if they provide high-quality content, relevant keywords, and trending topics. With improved visibility, you can attract and retain customers, driving long-term results for your business. In a competitive online world where content is king, a well-maintained blog should be a key priority.

About the author

Photo of author Maree Gately

Maree Gately
SEO Copywriter & Content Marketing Consultant

Like my friend Google, I believe content is king. Using my copywriting skills and creativity, I inform and entice. With a background in advertising, website content writing, and on-page SEO, I thrive on delivering content that boosts visibility and customer enquiries. No industry is out of bounds—I am just as comfortable writing about health and well-being as I am about plastic extrusion molding or cats.

Images: Image by freepik
Keyword image: Image by on Freepik
Customer image: marymarkevichon


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